Sunday, May 8, 2011


Write now I am currently learning to change the mouse cursor for my piece from the typical mouse arrow to a spray can which will make the piece more identifiable with someone tagging the wall.
The file above will be used to do this. I am also adding sound effects to the opening page of the application so that the user can click hidden links and attribute them with different sounds.


What I learned in action script today was how to add a blur filter. In my project I am making a spray paint application that allows the user  to change the surface of different walls and spray on the walls with their the virtual spray paint. When I began making this the paint came out of the can just looked like circles and was not quite polished enough to look as though it came from a spray can however when the Professor showed me how to tweak the code we were able to set it up so that the spray paint came out of the can with a blurred effect.


I have learned a great deal from this course because this was the first time I have ever really used flash. I took a course in flash once in my undergrad but it focussed more on dreamweaver rather than flash.
This course definitely helped me understand the basics of flash and the setup, such as using the timeline and learning about the different frames and functions such as symbols, movie clips etc. The class also helped me understand the basics of action scripting however some of the process was much to complicated in the short time that we have in class.

My critique from the class is that more class time be focussed on learning the action scripting and less open sessions. I think it would be easier to learn if there were several small assignments that everyone had to do as a sort of tutorial and then after that we would use these tutorials to make our alpha project.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Repsonse to visiting guest artists

I was very interested in the work by our visiting artist Yuliya Lanina because she i was able to see how her process of creating art has changed over the years due to the use of digital systems however she does not use the new tool as a crutch but as a new way for her to showcase her fine art  background in painting. 

As a Pratt student I sometimes feel that the school looks to much to new interactive media with big wide eyes because it is new or different but it is lacking substance and I feel that Yuliyas peace is not just a fancy new way to show her work and that it has practical reasons for why she has chosen this new media. 

Pieres work was good to see as well because he showed how a mind map can help ones thought process and simplify the work that you have to do later if it is all layed out previously. I always appreciate seeing visiting artists because they give me a perspective of what options I have for myself post graduate school and Pratt.